CCSD Curriculum Maps
Aligned to the Colorado Academic Standards
Instructional Support
Instructional support is grounded in CDE's shared approach to Best, First Instruction as well as practices and strategies supported by professional organizations and scholars at the leading edge of reading, writing, and communicating education.
Instructional Support
Instructional support is grounded in CDE's shared approach to Best, First Instruction as well as practices and strategies supported by professional organizations and scholars at the leading edge of mathematics education.
Instructional Support
Colorado's 2020 Science Standards support a three-dimensional model of science teaching and learning. Instructional support is grounded in CDE's shared approach to Best, First Instruction as well as practices and strategies supported by professional organizations and scholars at the leading edge of science education. Learn more about ways to support high-quality and equitable learning in the science classroom.
Instructional Support
Instructional support is grounded in CDE's shared approach to Best, First Instruction as well as practices and strategies supported by professional organizations and scholars at the leading edge of social studies education.
High-Impact Instructional Strategies for Social Studies Skills
Instructional Support
Instructional support is grounded in CDE's shared approach to Best, First Instruction as well as practices and strategies supported by professional organizations and scholars at the leading edge of health and physical education.
Visual Arts
Instructional Support
Instructional support is grounded in CDE's shared approach to Best, First Instruction as well as practices and strategies supported by professional organizations and scholars at the leading edge of arts education.
Colorado Career & Technical Education (CTE) has recently developed a Strategic Plan for CTE that considers our unique landscape and opportunities over the next five years. The plan will help ensure we provide learners access to quality CTE programs that align with industry demand and lead to high wage, high demand, and high skilled employment. The plan will also identify barriers and opportunities in our current systems.
Standards Review and Revision Process
The Colorado State Board of Education is required by state statute to revise approximately one-third of the standards beginning in 2022 and an additional one-third every two years thereafter. As standards are revised and approved, CCSD educators will review and adjust curriculum maps to reflect the updates.