Padres de sexto grado: Mañana los estudiantes de sexto grado irán a una excursión al curso de desafío Arca de Noé en Buena Vista como parte del ICAP. No estamos haciendo rafting, pero estamos haciendo el Challenge Course. Los estudiantes recibirán una calificación por el día para ICAP/Choices, y este es un día escolar regular y obligatorio. Los estudiantes tienen la opción de elegir lo que hacen o no hacen en el curso. Nos divertiremos mucho y queremos que todos los estudiantes asistan. Asegúrese de haber completado la exención que se llevan a casa y pídales que la traigan a la escuela mañana si aún no lo han hecho, o complete la exención en el enlace.
17 days ago, Katrina Ruggles
Sixth Grade Parents: Tomorrow 6th graders are going on a field trip to the Noah's Ark Challenge Course in Buena Vista as part of ICAP. We are not doing the rafting, but are doing the Challenge Course. Students will get a grade for the day for ICAP/Choices, and this is a regular, required school day. Students have a choice about what they do or don't do on the course. We will have lots of fun and want all students to attend. Please make sure you have completed the waiver they take home and have them bring it to school tomorrow if they have not yet, or fill out the waiver on this link:
17 days ago, Katrina Ruggles
Envío de una nota sobre MS ICAP el jueves. Todos los grados van a excursiones. Saldrán a las 8 de la mañana y regresarán a la 1:00. Los estudiantes de octavo grado irán al Museo Fort Garland. Los estudiantes de séptimo grado asistirán al curso desafiante de ASU. Enviamos a casa un formulario que deben traer firmado mañana. Los alumnos de 6to grado van al Challenge Course en Buena Vista. Todos los estudiantes deben traer una botella de agua, usar zapatos cerrados y vestirse abrigado. Este es un día obligatorio y los estudiantes reciben una calificación por su participación. ¡Va a ser un día divertido para todos!
18 days ago, Katrina Ruggles
Hi middle school parents. Sending out a note about the MS ICAP on Thursday. All grades are going on field trips. They will leave at 8 AM and return by 1:00. The 8th graders will be going to the Fort Garland Museum. The 7th graders are going to the ASU Challenge Course. We sent home a form they need to bring back signed by tomorrow. The 6th graders are going to the Challenge Course in Buena Vista. They need to bring back the release form we sent, or parents of 6th grade students need to sign this form: All students should bring a water bottle, wear closed-toe shoes, and dress warm. This is a required day, and students receive a grade for participation. It is gong to a fun day for all!
18 days ago, Katrina Ruggles
On October 8th at 6 p.m., the ARC/CVA will host its first Parent Night. During that time, we will talk about our annual haunted house and have DR. Sonderegger from Valley Wide as a special speaker to address a few topics. See you there!
Start the week on the right foot @ Have a great week Center Vikings!
27 days ago, Carrie Zimmerman
The Center HS Football game against Cedaredge on Friday, Sept. 13th will be live streamed on 95.3 KYDN radio station beginning at 1:00pm.
about 1 month ago, Linda Donaldson
HI parents. If you signed up for the District Accountability Committee (DAC) during open house, or if you are interested, our first meeting is tomorrow, Wednesday, September 10th, from 4:15-5:30 PM in the library community room. Looking forward to seeing you all at the meeting.
about 1 month ago, Katrina Ruggles
Focus on the Center of Focus! Go Big Blue!
about 1 month ago, Carrie Zimmerman
Don't forget to join us on Friday!
about 1 month ago, Julio Paez
Hello, families; here is the September elementary newsletter.
Hola familias; Aquí está el boletín de primaria de septiembre.
about 1 month ago, Katrina Ruggles
Center Vikings, join us for our annual tailgate and our first home game of the season on our brand-new field! The celebration starts at 4:30 p.m., the Ribbon cutting is at 6:00 p.m., and the game starts at 7:00 p.m!
This week's football game on Friday, Sept. 6th against Olathe will be at 7:00pm. The game on Sept. 13th against Cedaredge will be at 1:00pm. Sorry for the confusion. El partido de fútbol de esta semana el viernes 6 de septiembre contra Olathe será a las 7:00 p.m. El partido del 13 de septiembre contra Cedaredge será a la 1:00 p.m. Perdón por la confusión.
about 1 month ago, Linda Donaldson
¡Hola comunidad del centro! Es hora de nuestro primer partido de fútbol el viernes 6 de septiembre, en el que organizaremos nuestra segunda fiesta anual Future Town Tailgate a partir de las 4 p.m. ¡Nuestro tema es Visión vikinga/Tiempo de juego! Todos están invitados. Tendremos comida, bebidas, juegos, banda en vivo, DJ, artistas de circo, pintura facial y camisetas gratis hasta que se acaben. La entrada a la fiesta y al juego son gratuitos, ¡al igual que la comida! Luego, cortaremos la cinta del nuevo campo de fútbol a las 5:45 y daremos la bienvenida a nuestro equipo al campo. ¡Espero verlos a todos allí!
about 1 month ago, Katrina Ruggles
Hi Center Community! It is time for our football game opener on Friday, September 6th, at which we will host our 2nd annual Future Town Tailgate Party starting at 4 PM. Our theme is Viking Vision/Game Time! Everyone is invited. We will have food, drinks, games, a live band, DJ, circus performers, face paint, and free shirts until they run out. Entrance to the party and game are free, and so is the food! Then, we will have the ribbon cutting for the new football field at 5:45 and welcome our team onto the field. Hope to see you all there!
about 1 month ago, Katrina Ruggles
Good Morning Viking Fans, come out and support your Center Lady Vikings Volleyball team tonight as they take on the Crested Butte Titans. JV will start at 4:00pm and Varsity will follow at 5:00pm.
about 1 month ago, Linda Donaldson
Good morning Viking Fans, tomorrow, Friday, August 30th will be our opening football game at North Fork High School. The game will be at 1:00pm. The HWY 50 bridge is open from 6:30am - 10:30pm. It is still only 1 lane of traffic so plan accordingly.
about 1 month ago, Linda Donaldson
Center Vikings host Crested Butte at 4:00 pm tomorrow! Come out and support the JV and Varsity... wear your Center BLUE shirt! Go BIG BLUE!!