Parents, we have a Park & Rec t-ball/baseball/softball meeting at the park at 5:30 PM tonight, 5/24/21.
Padres, tenemos una reunión de Park & Rec t-ball / baseball / softball en el parque a las 5:30 PM esta noche, 5/24/21.
over 3 years ago, Katrina Ruggles
Parents, we are taking more registration for ages 13-14 softball. We don't have enough players yet, so trying to get enough for team. Please get people to register ASAP.
over 3 years ago, Katrina Ruggles
Graduación de Center HS-
29 de mayo - Campo de fútbol de CHS
11:00 a.m. inicio
Restricciones de Covid 19
A todos los graduados se les permite 4 cajas cerca del escenario. Las cajas serán de 8 x 8 pies. Las casillas estarán marcadas en el césped del campo de fútbol.
A cada familia que viva en el mismo hogar se le permitirá una caja. Los graduados determinarán qué familiares o amigos se sentarán en los palcos.
Las familias deberán traer sus propias sillas de jardín o pueden optar por estar pardos.
Si las familias quieren asistir a la ceremonia y sentarse en su automóvil, pueden quedarse en el automóvil durante la ceremonia.
Toda la graduación se transmitirá en nuestro canal de YouTube (Viking News).
No se permitirá que nadie se siente en las gradas ya que esto sobrepasa nuestra capacidad.
Si tienes alguna pregunta. Llame al 719-754-2232.
over 3 years ago, Kevin Jones
Center HS Graduation-
May 29th- CHS Football Field
11:00 a.m. start
Covid 19 restrictions-
All graduates are allowed 4 boxes near the stage. The boxes will be 8 x 8 feet. The boxes will be marked on the football/soccer field grass.
Each family that lives in the same household will be allowed one box. The graduates will determine which family/friends will sit in the boxes.
Families will need to bring their own lawn chairs or they can choose to stand.
If families want to attend the ceremony and sit in their car they are welcome to stay in the car during the ceremony.
The entire graduation will be streamed on our YouTube channel (Viking News).
Nobody will be allowed to sit in the bleachers as this puts our numbers over capacity.
If you have any questions. Please call 719-754-2232.
over 3 years ago, Kevin Jones
The deadline for vaccine consent forms for the Pfizer COVID 19 vaccine for students 12 years old and older, that will occur at school next week, has been extended to Thursday morning. Please consider getting your students vaccinated. Consent forms can be picked up at the office or printed from the website below. Parents will not have to be present for student to receive the vaccine as long as consent form has been turned in.
La fecha límite para los formularios de consentimiento de vacunación para la vacuna Pfizer COVID 19 para estudiantes de 12 años en adelante, que ocurrirá en la escuela la próxima semana, se ha extendido hasta el jueves por la mañana. Por favor considere vacunar a sus estudiantes. Los formularios de consentimiento se pueden recoger en la oficina o imprimir desde el sitio web a continuación. Los padres no tendrán que estar presentes para que el estudiante reciba la vacuna siempre que se haya entregado el formulario de consentimiento.
over 3 years ago, Wendy Murillo
All students, Kindergarten-12th grade, both attending in-person school and online school, will be required to turn in their technology devices during 1st period on Tuesday, May 25th.
Parents: if your child is missing any accessories or they are damaged, such as the chargers, cases, etc., please be prepared to pay for the replacement cost. Below is a list of replacement fees:
iPads - Haskin Elementary & Skoglund Middle School
Annual Usage/Device Fee: $35
Cube (charger): $20
USB Cable (charger): $20
Case (Shield Stand): $10
Broken Screen: $35
Replacement Device: $500
Laptops - Center High School
Annual Usage/Device Fee: $45
Charger: $55
Case (bag): $25
Broken Screen: $45
Replacement Device: $900
Any unpaid fees will mailed in an invoice to households during the summer or assessed when you register your child for the next school year.
If you have any questions, please reach out to one of our main offices:
Elementary: 719-754-3982
Middle/High School: 719-754-2232
over 3 years ago, Center Schools
Today is the last day to sign your student up for the COVID vaccine next week. All students ages 12 and up are eligible to receive it! Parents do not have to be present, we just need a signed consent form by the end of today.
The consent form can be found at the website below or you can pick one up from the office!
over 3 years ago, Wendy Murillo
The game versus Trinidad has been canceled for today.
Pfizer COVID-19 Vaccine is now approved for students 12 years old and older! Saguache County Public Health will be administering vaccines at the school May 26th. We need to know a number of students interested by Monday May 17th so that the vaccine can be ordered. Please complete the permission form found at this link
or pick one up from the office and return to school asap.
¡La vacuna Pfizer COVID-19 ahora está aprobada para estudiantes de 12 años en adelante! Salud Pública del Condado de Saguache administrará vacunas en la escuela el 26 de mayo. Necesitamos saber el número de estudiantes interesados antes del lunes 17 de mayo para que se pueda ordenar la vacuna. Complete el formulario de permiso que se encuentra en este enlace
o recoger uno de la oficina y regresar a la escuela lo antes posible.
Good morning,
Tomorrow, Thursday, May 13, we will have early release for all of Center schools from grades k-12. Students will be release at 12:45. Thank you!***
Buenos dias,
Manana, el jueves, trece de mayo, los estudiantes saldran de la escuela temprano. Todos los estudiantes de los grados k-12 sladran a las 12:45.
over 3 years ago, Jared Morgan
Center Parks & Rec is taking registration for baseball/t-ball for the summer. Registration deadline is Friday, 5/21/21. Register at the link and, pay at the PayPal link provided after you submit registration.
Registro de Center Parks & Rec para béisbol / t-ball para el verano. Último día de inscripción es el viernes 21 de mayo del 21. Regístrese en el enlace y pague en el enlace de PayPal que se proporciona después de enviar el registro.
over 3 years ago, Katrina Ruggles
Offering 10 Viking store points to students of parents who attend the Trusted Adult webinar on Thursday. Hope to see you there.
This is the link to register:
over 3 years ago, Katrina Ruggles
Good evening,
We will have school in person tomorrow, Monday, May 10th for the elementary school***
Tendremos escuela en persona manana el 10 de mayo para la escuela primaria.
over 3 years ago, Jared Morgan
Seniors, parents of seniors, and other high achieving students: There will be a high school awards ceremony on Monday, May 10th at 6:00 PM in the Auditorium. We hope that you will attend to watch the acknowledgement of achievement that seniors and other students have reached this year. Please call the high school office Monday morning if you have questions.
over 3 years ago, Center Schools
Happy National Nurses Day to our amazing ladies- Wendy Murillo and Randi Asbell! Thank you both for your hard work this year. You have done an amazing job keeping our students and staff safe!
over 3 years ago, Carrie Zimmerman
Good Morning,
The internet is back up and running. Please have your kids log onto class!
Have a great day!!
El internet ya esta funcionando. Por favor asegurase que sus hijos entren a clases!
Gracias- Tengan buen dia!!!