November 2022 Haskin Elementary Newsletter English: Spanish: November 2022 Skoglund Middle/Center High Newsletter English: Spanish:
over 3 years ago, Center Schools
Weekly update for Center Schools @
over 3 years ago, Carrie Zimmerman
COF Kids presenting
Check out a new episode of Viking News:
over 3 years ago, Center Schools
Picture RETAKES for K-12th Grade Students: Tuesday, November 30th, 2021 Haskin Elementary: Online Code: C827 Skoglund Middle & Center High School: Online Code: C792 Paper packets/order forms are also available at each respective office.
over 3 years ago, Center Schools
COVID-19 Vaccine event at Center High School Gym! All people ages 5 and older are eligible to receive their vaccine. ¡Evento de vacuna COVID-19 en el gimnasio de la escuela secundaria Center! Todas las personas de 5 años o más son elegibles para recibir su vacuna.
over 3 years ago, Wendy Murillo
COVID-19 Vaccines
COVID-19 Vaccines
See what some of our amazing Center students have been up to @
over 3 years ago, Carrie Zimmerman
COVID-19 Vaccines will be available at school tomorrow for students 12 and older. Please complete the consent at the link below and have student turn it in before 1st hour tomorrow. Las vacunas COVID-19 estarán disponibles en la escuela mañana para estudiantes mayores de 12 años. Por favor complete el consentimiento en el enlace a continuación y pídale al estudiante que lo entregue mañana antes de la primera hora.
over 3 years ago, Wendy Murillo
Sign up now to get a FREE smart thermometer! 1. Download the Kinsa app: Text JOIN to 24020 or search for Kinsa in the app store. 2. Create an account and join our school (Center Schools). 3. Fill in the order form for a FREE thermometer. Thermometers will be shipped to the school and sent home with students. ¡Regístrese ahora para obtener un termómetro inteligente GRATIS! 1. Descargue la aplicación Kinsa: envíe un mensaje de texto JOIN al 24020 o busque Kinsa en la tienda de aplicaciones. 2. Cree una cuenta y únase a nuestra escuela (Center Schools). 3. Complete el formulario de pedido para obtener un termómetro GRATIS. Los termómetros se enviarán a la escuela y se enviarán a casa con los estudiantes.
over 3 years ago, Wendy Murillo
COVID-19 Vaccine event at Center High School Gym! All people ages 5 and older are eligible to receive their vaccine. Booster shots will also be available. ¡Evento de vacuna COVID-19 en el gimnasio de la escuela secundaria Center! Todas las personas de 5 años o más son elegibles para recibir su vacuna. También estarán disponibles inyecciones de refuerzo.
over 3 years ago, Wendy Murillo
COVID-19 Vaccines
COVID-19 Vaccines
High School Football game against Meeker on Friday in Center. Come and support our Vikings! Friday night is also Senior Parents Night and kickoff will be at 6:00 PM!
over 3 years ago, Center Schools
It's Red Ribbon Week! Join us this week in bringing awareness to alcohol, tobacco and other drugs prevention. Read more about Red Ribbon Week here: ¡Es la Semana del Listón Rojo! Únase a nosotros esta semana para crear conciencia sobre la prevención del alcohol, el tabaco y otras drogas. Lea más sobre la Semana del Listón Rojo aquí:
over 3 years ago, Wendy Murillo
Red Ribbon Week!
Happy Halloween! Check out our latest @
over 3 years ago, Carrie Zimmerman
Next week is Red Ribbon Week! The theme this year is Drug Free Looks Like Me! Celebrate Red Ribbon Week (October 25-28).
over 3 years ago, Wendy Murillo
Red Ribbon Week
Picture Day for Haskin Elementary Students will be next Monday, October 2t, 2021. Students will be taking home the photos order form tomorrow, 10/20/21. You can also order online at (be sure to enter code C827)
over 3 years ago, Center Schools
Friday is our Homecoming Football game against the Monte Vista Pirates. Saturday, Oct. 23rd will be our last home Volleyball game against the South Park Burros. Come out and support both teams. Football Parent night has been moved to Oct. 29th for our game against Meeker.
over 3 years ago, Linda Donaldson
Parents and students, we are looking to build the momentum of our last two football wins and make homecoming electric! Make posters and wear white for the football game on Friday night! Hoping to get lots of people there! Join the Viking Pride Booster Club!
over 3 years ago, Katrina Ruggles
Good afternoon Center Community, We will have Parent Teacher Conferences this Wednesday and Thursday from 4-7:30. Teachers have sent home a schedule to sign up for. This week is homecoming week. We will not participate in costume day for elementary tomorrow. We will wait until the 29th of Oct for our Halloween dress up day. Again, please do NOT send kids to school with their Halloween Costumes tomorrow. That will take place on the 28th of Oct. Thank you! Buenas tardes Comunidad del Centro, Tendremos conferencias de padres y maestros este miércoles y jueves de 4-7: 30. Los maestros han enviado a casa un horario para que se inscriba. Esta semana es la semana del regreso a casa(Homecoming) Mañana la escuela primaria No participaremos en el día de disfraces, esperaremos hasta el 28 de octubre para nuestro día de disfraces de Halloween. Nuevamente, NO envíe a los niños a la escuela con sus disfraces de Halloween mañana. Eso tendrá lugar el 28 de octubre. ¡Gracias!
over 3 years ago, Jared Morgan
Parents, Just a reminder that we need new consent forms completed if you would like your child to participate in serial COVID-19 screening through the state. Many of you have completed a permission slip for serial testing. Unfortunately the testing program will not accept our district consent forms so we need a new consent form for all students who want to participate in weekly serial testing. There is a different consent form for each school- please see the links for your students school below. Padres, Muchos de ustedes han completado un formulario de permiso para realizar pruebas en serie. Desafortunadamente, el programa de pruebas no aceptará los formularios de consentimiento de nuestro distrito, por lo que necesitamos un nuevo formulario de consentimiento para todos los estudiantes que quieran participar en las pruebas seriadas semanales. Hay un formulario de consentimiento diferente para cada escuela; consulte los enlaces de la escuela de sus estudiantes a continuación. Haskin Elementary English Form- Haskin Elementary Spanish Consent Form- Skoglund Middle School English Form- Skoglund Middle School Spanish Consent Form- Center High School English Consent Form- Center High School Spanish Consent Form- You can also find these consent forms on the district website under departments, nursing, school nurse corner, then select the State Serial testing tab or stop by the school office También puede encontrar estos formularios de consentimiento en el sitio web del distrito en departamentos, enfermería, rincón de enfermería de la escuela, luego seleccione la pestaña Prueba de serie estatal o pasa por la oficina de la escuela.
over 3 years ago, Wendy Murillo
Check out all the great things going on at Center Schools @ Happy Homecoming Week!
over 3 years ago, Carrie Zimmerman
Kids presenting
Watch a New Episode of Viking News - October 15, 2021
over 3 years ago, Center Schools